Friday, February 26, 2010

Love of February

Thought I would add a note and post a few pics from our visit to
Mt. Hood with the family. It was great to have Sean come visit
from CA. So, as Aerin posted earlier - we took a day to go play in the
snow. It has been awhile since we had a family snow day. We had so
much FUN! It was a great day! Maddy was so funny as she kept plopping
down in the snow and sliding around. Gavin & Tori did great on their
snowboards with Blayne & Sean's helpful guidance. I did the picture
taking, cheering and just enjoyed being out in the beautiful mountains
with my family.
This month we were saddened to learn of several friends and family
who have lost loved ones. Our thoughts and prayers have been with them!
I am so thankful for our eternal blessings! Time with family and friends
doing simple things and just making time to be together are memories
to cherish! I am thankful for friends and family who have been such great
examples of faith when trials are before them!
Now, we will see if I can post some pics from the snow adventure, (if I can
remember how to do it!!!!!)
Love 'n hugs, Mary :)

1 comment:

highdeekay said...

awesome pics. what a fun day for a fun family.